BABYWATCH is a smartwatch for tracking baby and caregiver health and behavior. Our patent-pending device performs trend analysis, integrates baby and caregiver data to provide data-driven insights and personalized recommendations to improve the wellbeing of both. BabyWatch has the capability to be controlled by voice, which allows users to enter data while performing tasks and caring for a baby.
Touch screen for voice-sensitive activities
Voice control for touch-sensitive activities
Data Tracking, trending, and predictive learning
Correlates baby and caregiver data to suggest changes in interdependent behavior (patent-pending)
Viewable graphs of tracked data
Integrated data from multiple users
Option to export reports to health providers and other recipients
User vital Tracking:
Health Monitoring
Heart Rate
Wifi connectivity

Records activities with hands-free feature
Tracks baby and user activity and health in real-time
Ability to adjust behaviors based on suggestions
History of baby and user activities
Easy to share records with health care providers